Highly Recommended
Dr. Mahendra Mahajan - India

My brother Dr Hitendra Mahajan and myself (Dr Mahendra Mahajan) summited Everest with Pioneer on 22nd May 2019. The day saw traffic jam on summit and lot of casualties. The pioneer team is highly professional and committed towards each and every climber. Hitendra became snow blind on the summit. But his sherpa (Pastemba Sherpa) and pioneer team did not leave any stone unturned to rescue him right from summit to camp 4 with the herculean efforts lasting for about 17 hours (it might be the longest rescue in the history). The pioneer team mobilized altogether 4 Sherpa's (Nawang Sherpa, Pastenji Sherpa, Lakpa Nurbu Sherpa, Italy Dawa, Dawa Wongjuk Sherpa) to get Hitendra safely down to camp 4 at around 1am. Also next day both of us were accompanied safely down to Camp 2 by our respective Sherpa's (Lakpa Nurbu for Hitendra and my Sherpa Dawa Italy) as Hitendra's vision was still compromised and i too had burning eyes, it wasn't a easy job above 7000 meters altitude.
Pioneer values life of every climber and thats the greatest thing about them.
Thank you Pioneer Adventure Private Limited and their dedicated team of Sherpa's... We are indebted to you all...